SHILOH galLery
The new
Shiloh Excavation Project started in 2017 by the Associates for Biblical
Research. Previous digs at Shiloh were performed in the 1920’s by a Danish
group and then later in the 1980’s by Dr. Israel Finkelstein of Tel Aviv
University. Our dig, however, confirmed the Biblical Historicity of the site.

View of Tel Shiloh Observatory and lower part of excavation

Early morning at dig site

Discussing morning operations at square

Greg and Dr. Haskel (Archeo-zoologist)

Busy Excavating

Aerial view of dig site

Operations and Wet-Sifting Center

Volunteer injecting stabilizing mortar into seams

Uncovering a new wall

High aerial overview
Conservation and Restoration Project
In 2017 I was also tasked as being the Conservation and Restoration Supervisor. Project S.C.A.R.P. as I call it, is an ongoing post dig program that is tasked with stabilizing, conserving and restoring certain walls, edifices, and rooms that were uncovered in that season. We need to stabilize and conserve these items or they will be lost to erosion and mishandling.

View of Tel Shiloh Observatory and lower part of excavation

Crew of the 2017 Restoration Team: David Graves, Phil Silvia, Greg Gulbrandsen, and Leen Ritmeyer (seated)

Operations Center and Wet-Sifting Center

Restored silo of Area D - the sacrifical bone dump during the time of Joshua and the Judges